Saturday, August 27, 2011

Debunking Common Health Insurance Myths

Health insurance can be a complicated thing, so it’s no wonder there are a lot of common myths about it that people subscribe to. It’s not easy to do the research, open your mind, and explore options you previously hadn’t considered. That’s why it’s important to dispel some common health insurance myths right off the bat.

Myth: “I don’t need health insurance now…I can risk it until I get a job.”

Reality: Get the health insurance. People with health insurance that develop health issues often do better than people without the insurance. People without health insurance will also run into far more trouble at hospitals and clinics than people who do have health insurance.

Think about it: you might be healthy and might stay that way for a long time. But are you willing to bet money on it?

Myth: “Only young people are without health insurance coverage.”

Reality: You’d be surprised. 3/4ths of people without health insurance are over the age of 25, and the amount of middle-aged people and senior citizens without health insurance is climbing. It’s not just the young and careless among us: even the older citizens of the United States are many times without proper coverage.

Myth: “If the government doesn’t provide health insurance, no one will.”

Reality: Even if you think government has its role in providing health insurance, the private market does provide quality health insurance. The government isn’t necessarily a one-stop-shop for all things medical.

Health insurance companies compete with each other to provide you coverage by providing lower costs, better deductibles, and more comprehensive coverage.

Myth: “Medicare or Medicaid will pick up the tab; I’ll be fine.”

Reality: Perhaps Medicare or Medicaid will help you. Perhaps it won’t. There’s no use in remaining ignorant to the topic. Don’t place your long-term hopes in anything that can be taken away from you.

Instead, keep your eyes open and make sure that you have fallback options for the long term. Save money and be sure to stay covered long into the future.

Myth: “Only the wealthy can afford totally comprehensive health insurance.”

Reality: They can, but if you look into it, so can you. Just ask around. Ask a local insurance provider for total umbrella insurance, and how it can be made the most affordable to you. You’d be surprised at the kinds of answers you might get.

Naturally, the more coverage you get, the more you might be expected to pay. But you don’t know how much more that will be until you find out for yourself, and – of course – you never know how worth it it might end up being.